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  • SVPTA forms | SVPTA

    SVPTA Forms Financial Payment Authorization Form Unit Remittance Form (to submit membership dues) Workers Comp Online Form Fiduciary Agreement Financial Calendar - coming soon Running Your PTA Conflict/Whistleb lower Form Conflict of Interest Policy PTA Event Participation Waiver PTA Photo Release Historian Report Parliamentarian Bylaws Review - 4 Key Steps Bylaws Summary e-Bylaws Worksheet Instructions for Completing Bylaws e-Bylaws How To Election Script Spring 2024 Training Slides Communications Membership Parliamentarian President & VP Secretary Treasurer & Auditor

  • For SVPTA Presidents | SVPTA

    For PTA Presidents Running Your PTA Timeline & To Do List Meetings Sample meeting agenda Meeting Cheat Sheet What Meetings Do You Attend? Election Script Documents What to Upload to SVPTA Upload Your PTA Docs What Docs Has My PTA Uploaded? Points Chart - coming soon Financials Financial Calendar - coming soon Pay Insurance How to Sign a Contract PTA Grants How to Request IRS Letter of Determination Programs & Events Work closely with your principal and office administrator and you can start planning together. If you have any questions, please reach out to - Approval Process Insurance Coverage Fiduciary Agreement Approvals from SVUSD Board of Education Meetings June 2024 August 2024 September 2024 October 2024 November 2024 December 2024 January 2025 Before/After School Vendor List CAPTA Approved Vendor List Forms Conflict of Interest Form Historian Report PTA Event Participation Waiver PTA Photo Release Request for Advanced Payment Form Sample Reimbursement Form SVPTA Remittance Form Sample W9 Workers' Comp Online Form Helpful Links National PTA National PTA Blog California State PTA Fourth District PTA SVUSD Website MYPTEZ CAPTA Toolkit Need Help? Have a Question? Contact Catherine - or Mindy -

  • Contacts | SVPTA


  • SVPTA | Saddleback Valley PTA Council

    Saddleback Valley PTA Council serves the schools in Saddleback Valley Unified School District. Our council represents 25 units and falls within the Fourth District PTA, California State PTA and National PTA.   Welcome! Saddleback Valley PTA Council serves the schools in Saddleback Valley Unified School District. Our council represents 25 units and falls within the Fourth District PTA, California State PTA and National PTA. Upcoming Events Latest News 2025-26 Slate of Officers PTA at its heart is an advocacy organization. With ADVOCACY at the forefront of our organization, we have put together a list of resources supporting the importance of parent involvement in schools, as well as contact information to assist you in advocating for your child through local representatives, state representatives & various agencies. Read More Contact

  • Reflections | SVPTA

    Reflections “Accepting Imperfection” SVPTA Reflections Gallery March 27, 2025 5:30-7:00pm SVUSD Board Room RSVP here Participant certificates and awards for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places will be available to pick up. Come anytime from 5:30-7pm How to Run Reflections at Your School View 4th District Powerpoint Guide View 4th District Training Video Create your online entry form here. Sign in to the correct google account Replace "Template" with your School Name Remember to "Restore" the missing file folders. This will allow you to collect the art entries for every category. Powerpoint to Virtual Form Setup 2024 2023 Understanding the Reflections Virtual Form Video 2023 Virtual Judging Steps (optional) All school winners are due to SVPTA by November 4th and MUST be submitted electronically. Look for more info to come on how to submit your winners. If you have any questions, you can schedule a phone or zoom call with Reflections Chair, so she can walk you through the steps - Reflections encourages students of all ages to: Unleash creative talents and be inspired Express themselves imaginatively in their artwork Experience the fun and joy of making art Tap into critical-thinking skills to create art inspired by the annual theme Receive positive recognition for their original works of art Click here to see the winners of the CAPTA 2023-2024 Reflections Art Program. All students attending PTA schools sponsoring the program are invited to participate and submit original artwork in one of six areas: Dance Choreography Literature Photography Film Production Music Composition Visual Arts Artworks are submitted first to school-level PTAs, where they are first recognized, celebrated and judged by five grade-level divisions, while a non-judged Special Artists division celebrates student artists with special needs. School PTAs then choose a selection of entries to be judged by local PTA units, which are then sent on to councils and then districts for consideration. The final artworks submitted to California State PTA by districts are then considered for Outstanding Interpretation, Awards of Excellence or Awards of Merit. Outstanding Interpretation and Award of Excellence entries then go on to represent California in the final National PTA judging round. Forms and Resources Enroll your PTA in the 2024-2025 National PTA Reflections Student Entry Packet including entry form and rules, available in English and Spanish Guides for Local Leaders in English and Spanish CAPTA Online Entry Form Video National PTA Reflection CAPTA Reflections Page Reflections Chair Jaime R.

  • Funding | SVPTA

    Funding SVUSD Budget TBD Prop 28 Monies TBD One-Time Funding TBD Grants TBD

  • About | SVPTA

    A Little Bit About Us SVPTA Mission Statement The mission of the Saddleback Valley PTA is to empower our units, families and community members to become effective advocates for all children. Hello SVUSD community, I am thrilled to return as your SVPTA Council President for another year! For those who may not know me, my name is Catherine Beeny, and I’ve been involved with the PTA for approximately 13 years. I have a daughter heading to UC San Diego next month and a son who is a sophomore at Trabuco Hills High School. At SVPTA, our mission is clear: to collaborate with the district to help turn every child’s potential into reality. This year’s theme, “A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats,” emphasizes the importance of supporting PTA programs and events that strengthen our school communities and enhance opportunities for every student. A vibrant and connected community, where everyone feels included and valued, is crucial for creating a thriving school environment. I look forward to a year of collaboration, growth, and shared achievements as we embark on this journey of building an even stronger SVUSD community. Your ideas, contributions, and participation are key to our success, and I can't wait to see the positive impact we'll create together. Catherine Beeny SVPTA Goals for 2024-25 PEOPLE: Strengthen the relationship between unit, council and our communities. Provide council mentors for unit officers. Provide training for officers. PROGRAMS: Share ideas for successful programs and work collaboratively when possible. Encourage the exchange of ideas and discuss concerns among units. Encourage and strengthen family engagement. PROMOTE PTA: By fostering legislative awareness and advocacy within all units by educating members on pertinent legislative issues and encouraging attendance at Sacramento Safari and legislative roundtables. By encouraging attendance at California State PTA Convention. By using Council and State PTA Resources including the toolkit, websites, bylaws, and other sources of communication.

  • Approval Process | SVPTA

    SVPTA Council offers many programs to benefit our units. Please click on the individual tabs for further information. Step by Step Programs & Events Approval Process Some approvals can take up to 2 months. Please plan your events and programs with a realistic timeframe. 1 STEP 1 Check the AIM insurance guide to make sure the event or program is allowed - * Please NOTE that some items that are approved by AIM are not allowed on SVUSD school campuses - like bounce houses and petting zoos. Check with your school office manager if you have questions.* 2 STEP 2 Connect with your Principal to discuss and get approval for the event or program 3 STEP 3 Discuss at your executive board meeting and vote to recommend: event or program adding a line item to the budget, if needed any contracts to be signed ** Contracts should only be signed for events or programs taking place off campus or before or after school. All events or programs happening during school hours must be signed by SVUSD. ** 4 STEP 4 Once the event o r program h as been recommended for approval, at a general meeting vote to: approve event or program & adding a line item to the budget, if needed release funds approve any contracts to be signed ** Contracts should only be signed for events or programs taking place off campus or before or after school. All events or programs happening during school hours must be signed by SVUSD. ** STEP 5 Most events or programs now require SVUSD approval. Follow the quetions below to find out what you need to make this happen. 5 Is your event or program happening at your school? YES NO, but students will attend during school hours NO & after/before school or with adults only Go to the next question No further action is needed from SVUSD, but additional PTA insurance rules must be followed: STEP 6 Obtain a Hold Harmless Agreement and Evidence of Insurance from each vendor, concessionaire or service provider that is used. OR Choose a vendor from the CAPTA approved list of vendors . These vendors may be used without requiring any additional insurance information or the Hold Harmless agreement. STEP 7 Once approved and funds have been released at a general meeting you can sign the contract ( view the proper way to sign contracts ) and pay the vendor directly. Go to the next question When is your event or program happening? DURING SCHOOL BEFORE OR AFTER SCHOOL STEP 6 Work with your school office manager to get this event or program approved. They will give you details on what is needed and if your vendor has a blanket contract for the year. !! IMPORTANT !! Do NOT sign any contracts or pay the vendor directly. This all needs to be handled by the district. STEP 7 You will need to gift the payment for the event or program directly to the school district. Create a Fiduciary Agreement to be sent with a check written out to SVUSD and give them both to your office manager to send. For vendor payment, the office manager should submit an invoice to Accounts Payable in Fiscal Services after services have been rendered in order for payment to be issued to the vendor. If the vendor has any questions about payment, have them contact your office manager. STEP 8 Once your event or program has been approved at a SVUSD Board of Education meeting, your school office manager will receive a copy of the signed contract and you can schedule your event or program. View approvals from SVUSD Board of Education Meetings June 2024 August 2024 September 2024 October 2024 November 2024 December 2024 January 2025 STEP 6 Download this AIM form . Fill in your PTAs info at the top and add Saddleback Valley Unified School District under "Additional Insured Information." Print and sign (electronic/ typed signatures not accepted) and email a scanned copy to capta . Have them email you a copy of the Certificate of Insurance with the addition. This will be good for the entire year. STEP 7 Email to fill out a facilities request form. These vendors have already been approved BUT yo u must email with your event info - date and time and a copy of the Certificate of Insurance from Step 6. STEP 8 Obtain a Hold Harmless Agreement from each vendor, concessionaire or service provider that is used. OR Choose a vendor from the CAPTA approved list of vendors . These vendors may be used without requiring any additional insurance information or the Hold Harmless agreement. STEP 9 Once approved and funds have been released at a general meeting you can sign the contract (view the proper way to sign contracts ) and pay the vendor directly.

  • Special Education | SVPTA

    Welcome to SVPTA's Special Education page! We support parents of children with IEPs, 504 plans, and those seeking additional help for their child. Our mission is to foster inclusion in PTA activities, school events, and classrooms, benefiting all students. Contact your child’s school PTA Special Education Liaison for resources and guidance, and join our monthly SVPTA parent meetups to connect and receive support. Find your child’s school Special Education Liaison here: 🗂️ Liaison Directory by school Join our active Facebook Group: 👍SVUSD Special Ed Parents GET CONNECTED! Mail 🗓️ Special Education Parent Calendar: Meet-ups, Trainings, and Events 🔗 Special Education Community Advisory Committee (CAC) Meetings for SVUSD – All welcome! PROGRAMS/EVENTS Coffee 📘 IEP Parent Handbook 🔗 IEP vs. 504 Plan 🔗 Special Education Rights Manual 🔗 SVUSD Special Education Page 🔗 CAC Page - Special Ed Community Advisory Committee for SVUSD IMPORTANT RESOURCES Star SVPTA Special Education Liaison Kris S.

  • FAQs | SVPTA

    FAQS FINANCIAL *. INSURANCE * GENERAL * PROGRAMS & EVENTS Financial Financial Can we use Venmo or Zelle to accept payments? No. These types of apps are peer-to-peer (P2P) platforms which aren’t developed to serve groups, especially nonprofits like PTAs. A P2P platform’s primary role is exactly that — transactions between two individuals for personal means, like paying a friend back for dinner. Great for individuals, but not for PTAs. Can we use a debit card to pay bills? No, you can't use a debit card to pay bills, but you can use online payment systems. All expenses must be accounted for and reported in the monthly treasurer’s reports. An Authorization for Payment Via EFT/ACH/Bank Bill Pay Services form signed by two authorized check signers must be completed for all Electronic Funds Transfer/Bank Bill Pay Service A re we allowed to buy gifts with P TA money? PT A funds should not be used to purchase personal gifts, equipment for staff lounges and lunchrooms or for furnishings for principals’ offices. Personal gifts include gift cards and gifts for baby showers, Secretary’s Day, bereavements, weddings, or birthdays. If the membership determines that such items are necessary, the individual members can make personal donations to purchase the designated items. These donations should not be commingled with PTA funds. insurance Insurance Are we covered by our insurance? Insurance will cover all events as long as they meet our insurance guidelines (when in doubt, call or email AIM & verify). However, per my email with AIM, “ Your policy has a pandemic exclusion. There is no coverage for covid no matter where you have the event.” Meaning no coverage will be provided for COVID related issues. It is extremely important that we are following any COVID protocols/guidelines outlined by SVUSD. Will there be an online waivers/digital signing options for Parents through CAPTA? Or AIM? At this time, no, but stay tuned for more info. general General Who do I contact when questions come up? When asked questions you don’t know the answer, please bring them to SVPTA President, Catherine , & she will make sure to get the answers for you. SVPTA will also continue to help communicate information to the community. Please make sure & share our posts/messaging. Can PTA create resource lists for parents & distribute them (ex/babysitters, tutors, etc)? Neither the PTA or school sites should be collecting and/or recommending these kind of resources. This becomes an endorsement/promotion of such businesses, which neither SVUSD or PTA should be doing for many reasons, liability being one of them. There are current resources that are provided through SVUSD, including TLC & the community services group/catalog. Those resources can be shared. Regarding resources, parents can always start their own FB group. However, it should be separate from your PTA Facebook group/platforms. Can our PTA buy gift cards for our school staff members or volunteers? No. Giving a gift card is the same as giving someone cash. In addition, giving a volunteer cash or a cash equivalent like a gift card on behalf of the organization may cause them to be considered an employee or an independent contractor by government agencies. And the IRS considers cash gifts (including gift cards) as reportable income on the recipient’s tax filings. For these reasons, our policies and procedures expressly forbid giving gift cards purchased with PTA funds: “PTA funds cannot be used to purchase personal gifts for staff or volunteers, such as gift cards.” Can PTA get the word out about GoFundMe or Meal Trains for members in the community? Yes, the PTA may get the word out about any and all benefits/fundraisers being held for individuals or families in need or about local charities who are assisting those in need, regardless of who is organizing them. The PTA may also help with a fundraiser by advertising it and encouraging volunteers, but it cannot be an official PTA activity, and all money collected must go to the organization holding the fundraiser. Checks cannot be made out to PTA, and no deposits may be made to the PTA account on behalf of another organization or family in need. Programs & Events How do we get programs and events approved? Check out our step by step guide - I have questions, who can I contact? Please contact our Programs Liaison . programs

  • Diversity & Inclusion | SVPTA

    Diversity & Inclusion Welcome to the SVPTA’s Diversity and Inclusion. We are committed to ensure that we PTA for ALL children and that every child has a voice. What is DEI? What can I do in my own school for it to be more inclusive? Encourage your own PTA board to add a Diversity & Inclusive Chair position to help apply the D&I to all PTA efforts and activities. Include everyone at the PTA table Listen to ALL voices so your PTA may be an inclusive voice for ALL children. Have flexibility with meeting times. Offer a virtual and in-person option for all meetings to increase accessibility. Provide childcare for your meetings as needed. Integrate cultural holidays and events in all school and PTA calendars and communication Increase diversity in classrooms and in school libraries. If you are interested in learning more about Diversity and Inclusion please reach out to Sharon Dawson:

  • Resources | SVPTA

    Art Resources STATE SUPPORT ADVOCACY & EDUCATAION VISUAL ARTS PERFORMING ARTS LOCAL RESOURCES SVUSD FOR ARTS PTA SUPPORT California Department of Education : Pertaining to Arts, here is information on California Education Code, content standards, common core, grant funding, and the state superintendent education transformation plan. California Arts Council : As a state agency, the California Arts Council supports local arts infrastructure and programming statewide through grants, programs, and services. Create CA : We advocate for high quality arts education for all students by providing policy expertise and by mobilizing a statewide network of advocates and allied partners. Americans for the Arts : Our program aims to dismantle systemic racism through the arts and humanities. California for the Arts : We’re helping every Californian become an advocate for the arts – from raising awareness on why the arts are so important, to providing programs and services that make our state’s creative sector stronger than ever. NFHS Advocacy : Interscholastic performing arts advocacy for all. Arts for LA : We inform, engage, and mobilize people to advocate for access to the arts across all communities. National Art Education Association : Founded in 1947, the National Art Education Association is the leading professional membership organization exclusively for visual arts, design, and media arts education professionals. Advocacy for Performing Arts : Advocacy is about educating and informing elected officials, the public, and the media about the importance of the performing arts. It is up to us—performing artists, administrators and audience members—to explain the value of the performing arts to lawmakers. Performing Arts Alliance : PAA advocates at the federal level for policies that uniquely impact the nonprofit performing arts sector. LOCA Arts Education : Meet Orange County’s most fascinating visual artists and industry professionals! Enjoy slideshows, demonstrations, and conversations. OC Art Guide : The OC Art Guide based in Orange County, California lists art events - shows, exhibitions, workshops, tours, classes, and more. Festival of Arts classes : Pageant of the Masters sponsored art classes for youth. Kids ages 5 to 12 will enjoy art classes taught by professional artists in mixed-media, ceramics, sculpture & more. Segerstrom Center for the Arts: Segerstrom Center for the Arts is one of the nation’s most respected multi-disciplinary cultural institutions. It is Orange County’s largest non-profit arts organization. The Center remains committed to supporting artistic excellence and offering unsurpassed experiences to engage the community in new and exciting ways through the unique power of live performance and a diverse array of inspiring arts-based education and community engagement programs. Arts Teach : Segerstrom Center for the Arts has a long history of providing performances, workshops, and residencies that use the arts to address the needs of schools throughout Southern California. Museums : Comprehensive list off all 128 art museums that are located in California. STRATEGIC ARTS PLAN (2024-2029) : This refocused and redesigned document bridges our 2018-2023 Arts Education Plan, augmenting and expanding student access to arts education t hroughout SVUSD schools and programs. Throughout this process, our team analyzed the progress made from our previous plan and reflected on opportunities to maintain and/or expand our work towards a guaranteed and viable arts education for all Saddleback Valley Unified students. VAPA recap flyer: Share with your PTA/PTSO/Boosters/Admin/Faculty. SVPTA Arts Advocacy flyer : Share with your PTA/PTSO/Boosters/Admin/Faculty. K-12 STEAM Academy : Saddleback Valley Unified School District believes that students need to be proficient in making innovative connections across a variety of disciplines, particularly in areas related to STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Ar t, Mathematics). SVUSD offers a STEAM K-12 Academy with cohesive pathways creating a smooth continuum of STEAM curriculum from kindergarten at Santiago STEAM Magnet to Serrano Intermediate, concluding at El Toro High School. This will prepare students for both college and 21st-century careers. JJ 5th District : PTA canopy over SVPTA for communications and training. CAPTA : PTA canopy over districts for methods and practices.


Saddleback Valley Council PTA

Catherine B. - SVPTA President

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